“The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.”  Marcus Aurelius


What about confidentiality?  Counselling and coaching both involve a confidential relationship. What you share with me will always remain completely confidential—just between you and me, except in situations where I am, by law, obliged to do otherwise. I will explain these rare limits to confidentiality at the outset.

What is counselling, and why did I choose to be a counsellor?  Counselling is a means of professionally supporting and helping someone feel better. An effective counsellor can help clients make deep personal shifts. I have chosen to be a counsellor because it gives me the opportunity to create positive life changes for my clients, and because I really enjoy the personal connection. I have experienced my own trepidation at seeking counselling, my own vulnerability and the great help I received when I have found the right person. I also understand how important it is to have a personal recommendation or to meet someone first in order to make this decision. For this reason, I offer a free 30-minute consultation so that we can meet and figure out what is best for you.


What is coaching, and why did I choose to be a coach? Coaching is a means of helping people realize what they want with a particular goal or goals in mind. It is a means to becoming more effective in one’s life. It facilitates exploring deeper beliefs and how these impact us. Although coaching can stir up emotions from the past, this is not always the case. It’s more about clarifying goals and removing obstacles from one’s path, helping people discover what they love and/or what is important to them, and then figuring out how to realize these more effectively. For me, this is invigorating work. You learn; I learn. We both win.

Coaching is also for groups or teams—to clarify goals, passions, and intentions and to foster relationships that facilitate interactive learning, all of which increase individual well-being and effectiveness. Learning from and with each other in a group is a highly effective way to develop one’s own abilities and become a stronger leader. I chose coaching for similar reasons as counselling—as a means of supporting and helping others feel more effective and therefore feel more fulfilled. At the same time, I learn and deepen my own life through the lessons of others—and become an even better coach.

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How do you work?  My philosophy, training and background are diverse. I use these diverse skills to cater to your individual wants, needs and style or those of your group. I work with what feels important to you in the moment. I’ll tease out and build on what’s working and what your strengths are. I’ll ask questions until the answers are clear to both of us and then I’ll offer possibilities for next steps. We collectively decide on direction.

What if I am queer, gender fluid, trans….?

My connection to a diverse SOGI community greatly erases the need to educate me. At the heart of wellness lies great relationships and a healthy sexuality. My approach is inclusive – queer-positive, sex-positive, and gender-affirming. There is no desire, fantasy or behaviour you might share that I would be unwilling to talk about.

Diverse people that connect with me leave feeling well understood, confident, and engaged to take action on the areas that matter.

Where would we meet? I offer a private and beautiful office setting only a few minutes from Ganges. Counselling sessions occur in this space.

In some cases coaching would also occur here.  It may also occur at your workplace, via phone or skype, another mutually agreed upon location, or some combination of these.

Are you approved for Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)?  As a Registered Clinical Counsellor with liability insurance, I am eligible for most Employee Assistance Programs. You may wish to ensure your eligibility by checking with your employer before booking an appointment.

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What do I need to know about fees and appointments? My fees are as follows:

Counselling –individuals*/**                                           sliding scale    $ 90-135 (per hour)

Counselling—couples*/**                                              sliding scale   $150-220 (per 1.5 hours)

Coaching—individuals*/** + non-profits                       sliding scale     $ 95-140 (per hour)

Coaching—government + business                                                    $150 (per hour)

*fees for Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are usually covered automatically. Please check with your employer to ensure your eligibility.

**I believe in prompt access to counselling services for those most in need. Please note that I also provide counselling services at a low cost for a limited number of clients at any given time, who are otherwise unable to afford professional therapy. If you believe that I am the right fit for you but affordability is a barrier due to life circumstances, I am happy to discuss this option with you.

To find out about how my sliding scale works, please feel free to call me on my confidential cell—250–221–7243—or email me.


Payment is to be made at the beginning of each session. Note that counselling fees may be deducted as medical expenses for income tax purposes.

The frequency of sessions will be co-determined by you and me, but sessions are normally once a week. I understand that circumstances may require some flexibility and I will be supportive of whatever is most effective and realistic for you.

Further questions? I’d love to hear from you. Please phone my confidential cell 250-221-7243 or email me.